
Know What to Look for During Stoat Season

Stoat season… it sounds dramatic and indeed it can be, but not in a good way. Not for homeowners and businesses and anyone else affected by their behaviour, anyway.

Colder weather approaching leads to challenges for property owners

September marks the first month of the year when stoats can start causing problems inside houses and other properties. As the weather turns colder, many animals seek shelter to stay warm. Mice get into properties whichever way they can. If stoats know they’re there and they too can get into the property, they’ll do so to seek out this source of food.

This, of course, creates two issues for the homeowner – a problem with mice, and a problem with one or more stoats. Even if the stoat gets rid of the mice, you’ve still got a stoat running around in your roof space causing problems up there.

Protect your hens

Another potential issue will undoubtedly be known to anyone who has a hen run on their property. Stoats will happily take them if possible, even snatching them from ponds if they cannot get food elsewhere. To a stoat, a hen represents a grand meal. They won’t think twice about stealing it if they can.

Staying warm and comfy

There is also the question of stoats gaining access to roof spaces to find those mice… and then staying there themselves for the same reason, namely for shelter. If they are unchallenged, you’ve got the issue of pregnant stoats potentially giving birth up there in a few months from now.

Are stoats protected in the United Kingdom?

No. This means you can seek assistance in getting rid of one or more stoats if you have a problem with them. One pregnant stoat in your roof space could lead to at least six babies being born next spring – and possibly up to 12. If none of them stray too far from home, you could experience bigger issues next year if you do not resolve the problem today. If a stoat learns that it lives within a fertile hunting ground, it is unlikely to leave. No one would.

So, if you think you have a stoat problem, now is the time to call in a pest control expert to consider a plan of action. Removing the problem now could minimise other issues that could otherwise appear next year.